Thursday, 14 April 2016

Final Exam Performances (Unit 3)

For their final unit, the year 11 drama group, produced 4 STUNNING pieces of theatre! This outstanding work was the result of a LOT of VERY hard work and every member of the class should be extremely proud of themselves!

The year 10 drama class produced fantastic tech support - thanks to them, everything ran very smoothly.

This year, the exam asked students to produce a piece of drama based around the theme of: CONSEQUENCES


Our verbatim piece of theatre explores the CONSEQUENCES of big data as the ‘new raw material’ and reflects on issues surrounding privacy in our increasingly technologically dependent world. We consider the effects of Edward Snowden’s whistle-blowing and use interviews from the public, a former GCHQ Chief Science officer, staff from the charity Privacy International and other organisations concerned with current Surveillance initiatives, as a way of exploring the Privacy Vs. Security debate.

The initial stimulus material, from which large sections of the text have been sourced, can be found on Justice Forum’s website:  WWW.JUSTICEFORUM.ORG "

"Journey’s End explores the CONSEQUENCES of the First World War and the effect it had on the men who had to fight. The play takes place in an Officer’s dugout in March 1918. Our edited version of the script follows the interaction of seven characters serving on the front line and their involvement in a raid in which two of the companies Lieutenants: Osborne and Raleigh must participate. One of which, does not survive, he has reached his journey’s end -  a necessary consequence of war."



"Our plot follows the early stages of Josef K discovering and dealing with the fact that he has been placed on trial. As neither the audience nor K are ever told the reason why he has been accused, we feel that this suggests his arrest is a CONSEQUENCE of a police state.

Josef K awakes on the morning of his 30th birthday to two guards and an Inspector who inform him that he is trouble with the authorities. Later, he is allowed to go to his work at the Bank, where he receives a phone call notifying him of his first court appearance the following Sunday. At the entrance to the court he meets other characters who are also accused and who trying to push their case through the system. K gets frustrated when he meets the other accused characters, we think this starts to make it feel more real for him. He leaves and becomes more concerned and paranoid, at which point his father’s voice haunts him. Although we end the play here, the doubt that begins to creep in foreshadows that it is likely this Trial will not end well for K."

"The story of Metamorphosis explores the ensuing CONSEQUENCES of a family member (Gregor Samsa) waking up one morning to discover he has transformed into a gigantic beetle.

The reason for the transformation is not explicit but there is a brief suggestion that it could be a REPERCUSSION of the disappearance of  “the funds the he was entrusted with” at his work. We also believe he was bitter because he had to support and provide for his family. The bitterness he felt could have had the CONSEQUENCE of physically transform him into a hideous insect.
 The plot follows how the family react and deal with this absurd transformation. The loss of Gregor’s earnings means the family must take in a lodger to be able to afford their lifestyle and their neglect of their ‘pet’ has fatal CONSEQUENCES."


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